Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Colors screaming my name.

Buying yarn and stash busting kinda cancel each other out right? Well maybe not so much. But i'm totally counting these guys as parts of my 50 for 2010 goal.

First off I made myself a bow. I love bows right now for some reason. Like hardcore, and my favorite shirt of the moment happens to be brown and yellow. So I figured a nice yellow hair bow would be perfect.

I just chained like 32-34 then it was either half double crochet or just normal double crochet, back and forth for 4 rows. I then joined the two ends and gathered it in the middle and attached it to a hair clip.

Then up next we have fingerless gloves for Sara. She wanted lime green and purple but I found some nice dark green and added it as well. Though the colors defiantly remind me of a creature from a kids show. Sara loved them. Which made it all worth while.
Then I totally did it again and made myself yet another pair of these soft green fingerless gloves. I used a different stitch so they're more open then the last ones. But they're still as warm and cozy. Which makes them awesome.
Then last but not least. I tried out a lovers knot shawl but got bored quickly, and instead made a neck scarf thing that all the emo kids wear. I like it, it sits nicely when worn and totally doubles as a handkerchief that you'd wear on your head. Plus its a nice teal blue color which makes me happy.

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