Saturday, February 27, 2010

No ones got it all.

The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by.

I have heroes. People who make me laugh, who keep me caring, who make me smile and be beyond happy when i'm with them. These are my heroes.

"Listen, my friend, there are two races of beings. The masses teeming and happy - common clay, if you like - eating, breeding, working, counting their pennies; people who just live; ordinary people; people you can't imagine dead. And then there are the others - the noble ones, the heroes. The ones you can quite well imagine lying shot, pale and tragic; one minute triumphant with a guard of honor, and the next being marched away between two gendarmes."
-- Jean Anouilh

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly.

Some things i've done in the past few weeks.
Heart garland! <3 Yes for Valentine's Day I did indeed make heart garland. It took about 30/45 minutes and I love it and we do in fact still have it hanging up.

Yup I totally went to make a shawl again and got bored and this time made it a bandana to wear on my head.

I finally figured out what to do with all those stars i've been making. I turned them into a scarf. Yes cause I am indeed that odd.
And lastly I'm knitting a scarf for Poppie but knitting bores me so its taking forever. I will literally knit for 10 minutes then put it down to do something else.

And lastly a quote from Neil Gaiman.

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Baby, there's no other superstar

Today is a day to enjoy things. To admit to guilty pleasures and wrap yourself up in them like a cozy blanket. So i'm going to admit to my Top 5 Items of happiness.

1. My Ripple Afghan. I made it from various scrap yarns when I lived in the apartment with Sir Crow. Its a lapghan and its soft and I love it. It doesn't make you to hot or to cold.

2. Nadine and Sara. These two girls are my heroes in hiding. They're honest and real and I love them. And even if we fight or they fight or any of us fight we'd still kick someone in the teeth for each other. 3. Hair ties. Yup being able to throw my hair up to the side (which I have to do otherwise I look like a man) makes me beyond happy. Especially right now well my hair is at that annoying tickles the neck length.

4. My Mp3 player! Full of music that's just for me. I don't have to gear it towards what everyone else listens to its just for me. If they don't like it to bad! Plus I love the headphones they block out all noise, and the yarn wrap on them makes they all colorful and pretty.

5. Books! Oh my god do I love being able to curl up and read and not be bothered with the rest of the world for hours on end. And Neil Gaiman is the sexiest story teller ever. I have yet to read something by him that I don't like. I should get myself a bookmark though huh? Chopstick papers prolly aren't the best.

I think everyone should admit there top 5 happy makers once in awhile. It helps you remember to appreciate the little things.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Obsession or Life

Is it considered obsession when all you want to do for the day is sit with a coffee, tea, or monster and just crochet your heart out? I've become obsessed with using bright colors more and more, they're just so cheerful. And during winter when everything is white or a slight grey color other than the blue of the sky, isn't color just even more special than any other time?

I've found yet another thing to be obsessed with making, though I have stopped myself from making more until I can think of something to do with them. They're Granny Stars or Grandma's Twinkle Stars. The tutorial is here. So off I went on my hooky madness trying this out. And the results just made me beyond happy.

Next came the cutest flowers ever! Over at Attic24 she has amazing posts of the prettiest colors ever. Everything on her blog is eye candy I adore it. So when I saw her tutorial/pattern for these adorable flowers I just had to try it. And I love them =3
Then last but not least. I used to hate granny squares, they always bored me and just seemed well dumb. But I've come to love them and enjoy making them. So I made in about a night and 2 hours the next morning, a baby blanket for my cousin. Unfortunately I don't have a finished photo of it. Boo on me for forgetting. But I have a few in progress photos.
Here is the squares laid out before they're last row of color. I used the join as you go method. So it did end up a good bit bigger than this photo shows. The centers to all the squares where yarns that I was trying to use up, yet I still ended up with a good bit left of each. Ah well.

Well that's all for now. Have a great Valentine's Day or rather a good Singles Awareness Day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Colors screaming my name.

Buying yarn and stash busting kinda cancel each other out right? Well maybe not so much. But i'm totally counting these guys as parts of my 50 for 2010 goal.

First off I made myself a bow. I love bows right now for some reason. Like hardcore, and my favorite shirt of the moment happens to be brown and yellow. So I figured a nice yellow hair bow would be perfect.

I just chained like 32-34 then it was either half double crochet or just normal double crochet, back and forth for 4 rows. I then joined the two ends and gathered it in the middle and attached it to a hair clip.

Then up next we have fingerless gloves for Sara. She wanted lime green and purple but I found some nice dark green and added it as well. Though the colors defiantly remind me of a creature from a kids show. Sara loved them. Which made it all worth while.
Then I totally did it again and made myself yet another pair of these soft green fingerless gloves. I used a different stitch so they're more open then the last ones. But they're still as warm and cozy. Which makes them awesome.
Then last but not least. I tried out a lovers knot shawl but got bored quickly, and instead made a neck scarf thing that all the emo kids wear. I like it, it sits nicely when worn and totally doubles as a handkerchief that you'd wear on your head. Plus its a nice teal blue color which makes me happy.